VIC January 2020 FGC Ranbat Results

CouchWarriors VIC FGC Ranbats for January 2020 were held on Saturday the 18th at Davies St in Brunswick. Here’s a summary of the results in every game and how the top matches played out. A complete listing of match results and brackets for each game can be viewed on here.
Results for SFV, MK11, Tekken 7, and Smash U count towards the standings for the BAM Path To EVO series for that game, which can be viewed here.
Street Fighter V
- syo
Whatever else can be said about Christian “ORDER|ROF” Dedalija, he at least makes it easy for me doing these recaps – I can just leave his tag at the top of the standings every month. His reign of dominance stretching back to October overshadows a big run from multi-game threat John “ZEDDD” Le to claim another podium finish.
First match is @RoF_uu VS Woothang!
Can ROF make it a happy birthday tournament?
Yes that’s dedication, it’s his birthday— CouchWarriors (@CouchWarriors) January 18, 2020
Turns out, he could.
Tekken 7
- Kanga|ChandNY
- Mr-Kojeski
- AFriendlyTree
Naveed “Kanga|ChandNY” Iqbal is a similarly dominant talent in these ranbats, and this month got it down without dropping a match. His Kanga teammate and commentary talent Kanga|Brownman also stepped up in a rare ranbat display, charging through the winners side to a 4th place finish!
Mortal Kombat 11
- raidr
- WIBTE|LemonLad
- Haize
A quiet month for MK11 allowed some lesser-known names to enjoy their time in the sun and perhaps build some momentum for tournaments ahead.
DragonBall FighterZ
- Agent17805
- Guumi
The saga of VIC DBFZ continued after the climactic events of CouchWarriors Crossup 2019, with ZEDDD getting his revenge on arch-rival Ray “Agent17805” Usanto, and Lillian “Guumi” Mckenzie continuing to close the gap on the two standouts.
Samurai Shodown
- Rupps
- Humzoid0909
- Tomo009
Peter “Rupps” Barron benefited from the absence of DS|Somniac this month, claiming the SamSho throne for himself.
Soul Calibur VI
- FAM|DerekthePineapple
- RustyRed
JEL cleaned out a slightly depleted ranbat field, building up some momentum for EVO Japan – where her big-brained plays would garner some official recognition!
Forget Season 2, ??Jel’s living in Season 37 with that parry on the Soul Charge #EVOJapan #SCWT #SOULCALIBURVI
— BANDAI NAMCO ESPORTS (@BNEesports) January 24, 2020
Dead or Alive 6
- CW|Berzerk
- Homu|Javi
- Xarv
CouchWarriors stalwart Dan “Berzerk” Chlebowczyk pretends to be surprised as he wins DoA for the 4th straight month.
Dead or Alive 6 Top 3#cwranbat Jan
? @BerzerkDC
? Javi
? Xarv#doa6— CouchWarriors (@CouchWarriors) January 18, 2020
GGXrd Rev 2
- Snek
- Homu|Javi
- ashxu
- Frank
- Tomo009
- Morpher
Big month for the Under Night community as ranbat overlord Silent was absent for once. Frank Chen surged to the top and seized the victory in an impressive undefeated run, although Thomas “Tomo009” Bishop pushed him to a deciding game in Grand Finals.
BlazBlue: CentralFiction
- Life
- vizz
- Morpher
A decent turnout for BBCF showed the passion the anime scene has for this series, and might lead to future ranbat tournaments for CentralFiction.
Koihime Enbu RyoRaiRai
- Homu|Javi
- Tomo009
- Frank
The usual suspects showed up again at the top of the table for the “rotating free anime game of the month” event. Koihime will be making a return at the February ranbat, so at least the vanquished will get their chance for revenge on Michael “Homu|Javi” Thai!
Congratulations to all of our top-placed competitors from January! You can find details of future ranbat events on the CouchWarriors Facebook page.