SF2Turbo by Chamba
We are proud to announce the first of our special guests for Battle Arena Melbourne 2014! Appearing both Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th May, is Jeffrey “Chamba” Cruz!
Artist with Udon Comics on the Street Fighter II Turbo series, Chamba will be available from 11pm-6pm Saturday and 11am-3pm Sunday to draw commissions of your favourite characters, sign prints and hang with fellow gaming fans!
Chamba is also kindly donating THREE amazing prints to the prize pool (see below), and will also be providing the artwork that will adorn the NEW CHALLENGERS tournament prize, a Razer Atrox Arcade stick.
To browse through his fantastic art visit
Check out Chamba’s original graphic novel work on the RandomVeus Tumblr
Hit the break to read Chamba’s Bio and see the awesome prints he’s bringing as Prizes!
These three prints will be given away to tournament top placers at BAM in large, high quality laminated A2 prints. A limited quantity in A3 will also be available for $10 each from Chamba at the event!
Jeffrey Cruz (known also by his pen name of Chamba) is a young man of few things. Since as early as ’89 (the year he first consciously picked up a pencil), he’s had one main constant in his life, that constant being his love of Art and his unending passion to simply draw.
With an unused Bachelors degree of Art under his belt, he has somehow managed to land several illustrating gigs such as magazine and DVD covers and his dream job of creating artwork for comic books. Jeffrey was one of artists that illustrated the Ray Harryhausen/Bluewater Comics collaborative title “Sinbad: Rogue of Mars”.
His work with Udon comics began with several small gigs such as illustrating UFS fighting game cards, a Gamepro Magazine cover as well as the Street Fighter Alpha/Alpha Generations DVD cover art. Along the way he has done character concept work which led to his main job with UDON as the artist for the current “Street Fighter II Turbo” comic book. Born in the Philippines, raised in Melbourne, Australia, he hopes to continue living his passion of art for as long as he can.