Event Dates – February 2020

Wondering where you can find details for all upcoming CouchWarriors events for the month in one place?
Well, it’s always a good idea to check our Facebook. But now these simple roundup posts will also serve as a quick reference here on the site.
Check out what we have for February, and look forward to a fresh update on the 1st of each month!
CouchWarriors QLD Ranbat – February 1st, 9AM-9PM. QUT Gardens Point Campus, 2 George St Brisbane, P Block Level 5.
SFV, Tekken 7, MK11, DBFZ, Smash Melee, Smash Ultimate, Melee Doubles, Ultimate Doubles, SamSho, USFIV, Fantasy Strike
SMASH – See below image for weeklies/monthlies schedule.
CouchWarriors VIC Smash Ranbat – February 22nd, 10AM-10PM. 6-8 Davies St, Brunswick.
Register: https://smash.gg/tournament/couchwarriors-vic-february-ranking-battle-2020-smash-roa/details
Watch: twitch.tv/couchwarriorssmash – Smash Ultimate
Watch: twitch.tv/melbournemelee – Smash Melee
Smash Melee, Smash Ultimate, Melee Doubles, Ultimate Doubles, PM, RoA, Pokken
Inter-Uni Smash Clash – February 15th, 10AM-8PM. RMIT University, Building 8, Level 4, Megaflex 3.
Smash Ultimate, Uni vs. Uni Ultimate Crew Battles
CouchWarriors VIC FGC Ranbat – February 15th, 11AM-10PM. 6-8 Davies St, Brunswick.
SFVCE, Tekken 7, MK11, DBFZ, SCVI, SamSho, DoA6, GGXRD Rev2, UNIST, BB:CF, Koihime, GranBlue Versus
Good luck to everyone signing up to fight at these events! Remember to check back here for post-event results and Path to EVO updates.