CouchWarriors League 2023: Updated Points Structure & Schedule

CouchWarriors League is officially back for 2023, announcing a new format and points system for the Summer and Winter championship seasons.
The 2023 format emphasizes more local and community events while pivoting the CWL Online schedule from weekly to monthly tournaments. The points awarded at each state’s monthly ranbats have been doubled, making them an even more important battleground for our championship hopefuls.
As Australia’s top-level competitive fighting game circuit, CouchWarriors League provides unified leaderboards for the most popular FGC and Smash titles. The CWL season incorporates online and offline events from all around the country, ensuring every player has a chance to prove their mettle.
Major sponsors like Astro Gaming and Mwave provide prize support for many of these tournaments, in addition to the larger prizes available to our seasonal champions for each game.
The Summer 2023 season will count results from January through to May, culminating at Battle Arena Melbourne 13. Points will then reset for the Winter 2023 season, with those finals scheduled for the last major of the year: CouchWarriors Crossup.
We can now confirm that the current Summer 2023 season will be the CWL swansong for Street Fighter V. Street Fighter 6 will replace SFV as a featured title following BAM13, meaning it will be supported at all our state ranbats and on the CWL Online schedule.
You can always find news and up-to-date leaderboards for the current season on the CouchWarriors League website. Monthly calendar posts with event dates and sign-up links can be found there, or on the main CouchWarriors homepage.
Most CWL ranking tournaments are livestreamed on one or more CWL twitch channels:,,, or Jump in the chat and win spectator prizes or just support your mates in the community as they go for glory.