#BAMThrowback – Remembering Our Best Moments

2020 was meant to be an incredible year for our FGC, and specifically for Battle Arena Melbourne. BAM12 had an impressive list of World Tour tournaments to draw top internationals, great sponsors, the CouchWarriors League finale and increasing momentum from years of successful “big BAMs” at the MEC, ready to break all records and make news worldwide. The event is only postponed, not cancelled, so we can still look forward to our annual calendar highlight. But it’s painful to be set back after so much hard work, by a force well outside anybody’s control.
With the originally planned event dates coming and going last weekend, it would have been easy to get sucked into further disappointment. Instead, CouchWarriors took the chance to launch the #BAMThrowback hashtag, asking our community to throw up their best memories and photos from years of BAM past.