Dead or Alive Festival – Australian Qualifier – Winner to fly to Japan
We are happy to announce that CouchWarriors will be hosting a special qualifier tournament for the DEAD OR ALIVE FESTIVAL. This is a special exhibition tournament taking place in Tokyo, Japan on August 1, 2015. We are honored to partner with Team Ninja to create this opportunity for Australian fighters, and to host the tournament at OzComicCon.
The winner of this tournament will be awarded with a qualified spot in the Festival along with flights and accommodation in Tokyo for the event!
More information on Dead or Alive Festival
What: Dead or Alive Festival: Australian Qualifier
When: June 28, 1pm

Entry: Tournament entry is FREE, but participants must have a valid entry for OzComicCon Melbourne on Sunday June 28th.
Players can sign up at the CouchWarriors space at OzComicCon, anytime up to Sunday 28th, 12:30pm
or Pre-Register at the CouchWarriors Ranking Battle this Saturday, June 20th.
Preregistration: Players can pre-register their interest using this form. This will make on day registration faster!
Prizes: The Winner receives Flights and Accomodation to Tokyo, Japan.
Participants receive Dead or Alive 5 game DLC codes. Steam PC codes will be given away.
Additional participation prizes from OzComicCon vendors to be confirmed.
Winner requirements
To take up the trip to Tokyo, the winner of this tournament must:
– Have a valid Passport
– Be available to travel to Tokyo, Japan on these dates: Arrive July 30th or 31st, leaving August 2nd or 3rd.
Team Ninja will offer a return flight ticket and 4 nights accommodation (maximum) in Tokyo. * Player can not decide the airline. Team Ninja will book the most direct flight possible.
– Attendee of the tournament in Tokyo should be 17 years or older (DUE to CERO Rating of the game in Japan)
If the winner cannot meet these criteria, the prize will pass down.
Game Format:
Dead or Alive 5 Last Round – Playstation 4
Double Elimination. Best 2 our of 3 matches per set until Top 4. Top 4 is Best 3 out of 5 matches.
Normal life, 60 seconds.
BYO Controllers are allowed. Players using own PS4 controllers must disconnect from profile after the match.
For more on the Australian DOA Community, visit Australian DOA Fighters on Facebook
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Enjoy replays of the Dead or Alive Finals and pools from CouchWarriors’ major event, Battle Arena Melbourne
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